SKU: 180K0250HD15 by Raimondi

Raimondi Leveling Kit RLS HD for Floor Installation

Raimondi (180K0250HD15) product

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The RLS Floor Kit provides all the tools you need to use the Raimondi Levelling System. It consists of 1 pair of special traction-adjustable pliers for floor covering allowing quick and easy insertion of the wedge into the clip and optimising pressure on the tile. 250 wedges and 250 HD 1.5mm clips are provided for use with tiles of thickness 3 – 12mm. RLS is also the quickest and easiest to remove: spacers can be kicked gently to remove them from floor, without the need for a special tool.

Collection Name
Included in Kit
250 HD 1.5mm Clips, 250 Wedges, 1 Floor plier
Maximum Tile Thickness (mm)
Minimum Tile Thickness (mm)
Spacing (in.)

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