SKU: 282D13C200 by Raimondi

Raimondi Double Removable and Reusable Dual Size Spacers Gray 1/32" and 1/8" (Pack of 200)

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Raimondi (282D13C200) product

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The Double Spacer (joint) has been designed to be easily recovered after use. It complies with the rules of installation of ceramic tiles such as the Italian standard UNI 11493-1.

  • Recovery and use do not damage it, so the double spacer is potentially infinitely reusable
  • Une fois posé à fleur du carrelage, le l'espaceur double laisse apparente la majorité de sa surface afin de faciliter son retrait
  • Ses dimensions (37 x 37 mm) facilitent la prise en main tant à la pose qu'au retrait
  • Each Double Cross is designed to offer two different joint sizes: two sides per joint size
  • The difference in joint sizes on the same crosspiece makes it easy to distinguish them
  • Thanks to its large contact surface with the tile, the Double Spacer ensures perfect joint size and parallelism
  • To be more efficient, especially on large format tiles, the Double Spacer has been designed to be used on the sides of the tiles (not at the intersections)
  • One side of the Double Cross is flattened to allow it to be used flush with the floor or in corners (when two tiles are perpendicular). This feature is particularly useful for wall installation
  • The double crossbar is made of plastic which counteracts the adhesive effect of the glue

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